Wednesday, 8 August 2007

it got me thinking......

The upcoming showcase has got me thinking about i61 and why i go. Here's what i've come up with!

i61, church in a pub, what's that all about? Introduced to it by Cherie i came for for the first time, not really knowing what to expect, but having the image of the traditional church in my head, well....i was wrong about that! Everyone was so friendly, it was strange, strange because people wanted to know who i was, i wasn't just there, not being noticed, i was welcomed into it. I loved the worship (and still do!) it wasn't singing hymns from hymn books, it was modern and it was great. A new church for the new generation.
So why did i keep going? well, there was something different about it, and i don't just mean the music or the fact that it was in a pub, there was something else. So i kept going, getting to know more of the people who went, interacting more with the things that they were doing, and i loved it.

i61 isn't like the other churches, like, when someone has a problem in their lives, Steve and Gill don't just give them the Bible and tell them that they'll find the answers they need in there, they find the answers for them, they make it more personal, they connect with all the people. i61 reaches into the community, not to find the people who are already christians and have been for a long time, who go to church regularly and whose lives are great, no, they reach out to find the people who are lonely, who need guidance, who need to be told that they are loved, and they become their friend, they show them the way through things and tell them time and time again that they are loved by God.

i61 is more than just a church, it's a family, everyone cares about everyone else, and just like being part of a family, it's a great thing to belong to. I'm proud to say that i am a part of the greatest church around, and the greatest family too!!

Tuesday, 7 August 2007

evolution of dance

why post this video, you may ask? the answer is simple, coz it made me laugh!! and every one can do with something to make them laugh now and again!

Saturday, 4 August 2007