Wednesday, 23 May 2007

Every one has problems in their lives, especially when your a teenager, all your emotions are everywhere and you tend to make a big deal out of something that isn't even worth worrying about!! And teenagers deal with their problems in different ways, some take drugs, some go out and have sex with alot of people, some drink alcohol and some probably do all three. The thing i used was alcohol. I started with asking my parents to buy me a big bottle of lambrini when they went shopping and stupidly they did, and i kept asking every week. Sometimes i would have 2 bottle a week, each probably lasting only 2 days. I would just sit there in my room at night watching TV and guzzling down lambrini. Then, the next day i would have some before school and i would even take some with me in a plastic bottle. After a while i started drinking cider as well and i would do the same with that. I started going out on the weekends with people from my estate and we would just sit around at night drinking, just beer and cider to start with, then i started filling up plastic bottle with vodka that was in a cupboard in my house and we drank that. And then, things really started getting to me alot and i just wanted them to be blocked out and what i was drinking then wasn't doing much because i still went home pretty much sober, so i took a bottle of white rum (it was only 1/3 full) from the cupboard, filled the rest of it with coke and went out on the weekend. Nobody else wanted any of it, so i sat there drinking the whole bottle on my own while they had cider or something. I can just about remember finishing the bottle and then smashing it on a rock (dont know why i did that), but after that i don't remember anything else. Afterwards i found out that i had been taken onto a hill by the people i was with so that they could try and sober me up, i had been dragged down the hill by my dad, i had run home (just about) and locked myself in my bedroom and then thrown up all over the floor and my bed. I had also fallen over everywhere and had various cuts and bruises all over my arms and legs, and i had also said things about one of my friends, which when i heard them i knew that i didn't mean them, but i had no control over what i was saying, or anything else.
Looking back on all of this now i can see how stupid i was and i know that it didn't help at all. There was something that i need in my life to help me with my problems and at the time the only thing there was, was alcohol, now that's different. Now i have God in my life and i can turn to him instead. If only people my age knew that there was another way, a better way to deal with things. If only they could see that the other ways that they are using aren't helping them. If only they knew that there is someone who cares about what they're going through and that He can help.

So this week i'm praying for Jesus to enter the lives of people my age, to help them with their struggles and for them to realise that there is another way.


Unknown said...

You, my dear, have such a powerful story.


Gill said...

that sounds a lot like me at 14, I hated school so much and felt so bad about myself, peer pressure and stuff, i too drank cider at night with my mates,
to try to get self confidence -

& went to my dads cupboard and filled my plastic bottle up with gin and bitter lemon to drink on the way to school.
It didn't help at all, just gave me a headache by lunchtime!

we sure do make some stupid choices!
and it never did make me confident,it just made me do more stupid things & feel ashamed and guilty and even less confident than before.

i didn't start to get confidence until i discovered God, and that he loves me and died for my guilt and shame... i felt free from all that pressure that i had going on inside me.

slowly He built up my self esteem, and gave me the confidence to be me....
thank you Jesus!

Bethany Bennett said...

Wow. You are so corageous and there is so much beauty in you that I believe people of your age will look to you as someone that has lived life a little and is standing up and shining while they tell the tale.

I'll bet your Big Daddy is so proud of you, and you will be completely blessed in your prayer request.

It's completely fantastic that you have compassion on people Iona, friends and people you don't even know yet. I know many people believe prayer paves the way for people who don't know God to recieve Him into their heart and I know someone prayed for me, on and off, for a year before I came to faith (it was my friend Vicky actually, who visited last week.)

Also used to know a guy who wanted a revival among young people in his church (teens and twenties)and he used to meet with a friend in a room every week and pray for theese people to come. And every week he would lay out six extra chairs and pray to God that by the end of the year they would be filled. And by the end of the year they were!! And they did this across the whole church and multipled their teens and twenties population 100% which just shows that prayer is a completely pro-active way of going about things and that God truly wants to bless you in it. Horray!!!!

Ok, rant over.

Also, one time I got so drunk I couldn't find my way home from the pub (where I worked!) and ended up sleeping in the porch of the building to be woken by the cleaner the next day. And I was a lot older and unwiser that you were at the time. And I didn't even think there was anything wrong with that. You are a smart girl to give up drinking so soon (or at least be sensible post 18) and to get your spirit from Jesus. Whoop Whoop. He's our homeboy.

Anonymous said...

Iona, you are SOOOOOO amazing! love you lots, eli x